
MediaTrk integrates sophisticated tracking technology, including affiliate tracking, combined with survey and landing page design & creation into one single platform.

Key Features


Facebook Integrated

With a single click MediaTrk makes it possible for you to host your landing pages directly on Facebook enabling you to go viral with your online marketing campaigns.

Affiliate Tracking

Professional Affiliate Tracking

Our best-in-market affiliate tracking technology enables you to track every click, impression, lead and third party transaction. Your affiliates have access to their own real-time tracking portal.

Multi Device Friendly

Multi-Device Friendly

Within two clicks you have a mobile ready landing page. Mobile devices are at the center of consumers digital life so be sure to reduce bounce rate and increase your conversions!

A/B Test

A-B Test

Measure the effectiveness of various versions of your landing page to gain KPI's when you change text, images and marketing call-to-actions!

Easy to Use


Our simple drag and drop editor makes it easy to build landing pages without the need for technical skills like CSS or HTML.

Social Marketing

Social Marketing

Maximize profit by going viral with landing pages! Our Facebook integrated landing pages enable you to extend your reach online without any additional hours.

Credit card

Credit card

Its easy to add credit card processing on your landing pages in MediaTrk. Includes credit card fraud protection tools.

Subscription business

Subscription business

Get a market leading tracking platform for running subscription services. Transaction cost, charge back analysis and much more, we cover your needs.

Profit loss

Profit / loss

Sophisticated tracking providing you with live statistic on your profit loss on all transactions processed through the platform.

About Us

We have a combined experience of over 20 years in technology development for online marketing.

Formed to create a professional all-in-one software platform for online marketers, our aim is to provide the very best technical resources to make your online marketing campaigns a success and grow your revenues. Founded in the UK, the MediaTrk technology draws on the experience of a management team that are passionate about marketing, lead generation and technology. Don't take our word for it...get in touch today to see how MediaTrk can help you run your online lead generation campaigns.